Become a Citizen by Naturalisation in Germany

Created: Jan 23, 2024 | Updated: Jul 23, 2024

Welcome to our latest article about naturalisation in Germany. If you are among those aspiring to embrace Germany as a homeland, this blog post is your manual. We provide you with practical tips and a comprehensive roadmap to naturalisation in Germany. We aim to simplify your journey, transforming your dream of becoming a German citizen into a tangible reality.

Table of Contents

What is Naturalisation?

Naturalisation is the legal process by which you acquire citizenship in a country that is not your country of birth or origin. It is a formal and legal method through which you can become a full member of a nation with all the accompanying rights and responsibilities even if you are not a citizen of that country (in this case, Germany) by birth.

Types of Naturalisation in Germany 

There is a primary form of naturalisation in Germany, but the conditions for acquiring German citizenship can vary based on individual circumstances. The main types of naturalisation in Germany include:

1. Standard Naturalisation: 

Standard naturalisation is the most common form of naturalisation in Germany. To be eligible, you generally need to meet certain residency requirements, demonstrate proficiency in the German language, have financial stability, and fulfil other criteria. The standard naturalisation process is available for you if you have legally resided in Germany for typically eight years. However, this period can be shorter for certain groups, such as refugees or those who have completed integration courses.

2. Derivative Naturalisation: 

Derivative naturalisation is the automatic acquisition of citizenship based on your relationship with someone who is eligible for or has obtained citizenship. If you are a foreign spouse of a German citizen, you and your minor children can be eligible for this type of naturalisation. The residency requirement is reduced, and there can be exemptions from language proficiency tests.

3. Renaturalisation:

If you were a German citizen in the past but lost your citizenship due to specific historical reasons (such as persecution during the Nazi era or the restrictive provisions of the former Nationality Law), you may be eligible to reclaim your German citizenship.

4. Naturalisation for Highly Skilled Workers:

Germany has specific provisions for the naturalisation of highly skilled workers, researchers, and scientists. You can be eligible for facilitated naturalisation to attract and retain talent in the country if you are a professional in a relevant field.

5. Naturalisation for Stateless Persons:

A stateless person is an individual who is not considered a citizen of any state or is denied the nationality of any country. If you are a stateless person who habitually resides in Germany, you can be eligible for naturalisation, provided you meet certain criteria.

Advantages of German Naturalisation

As a naturalised citizen, you are entitled to the rights and privileges of the citizens of Germany, such as:

The Right to Vote:

As a German citizen, you have the right to participate in the democratic process by voting in national and local elections. This includes the ability to influence political decisions and contribute to shaping the country's policies.

The Freedom of Movement:

Being a German citizen means you enjoy the freedom to move and reside freely within the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). This allows for increased mobility and access to opportunities in other EU/EEA member states. You can get a German passport which will allow you to travel visa-free to various countries. The German passport is considered one of the most powerful passports globally in terms of visa-free travel access.

Professional Opportunities:

German citizens have unrestricted access to the German job market, including positions that may be reserved for citizens. This broadens the scope of professional opportunities and career advancements.

Residency Security and Diplomatic Protection:

Naturalised citizens benefit from the stability and security of German citizenship, providing assurance of long-term residence in Germany. Additionally, you can receive diplomatic protection and assistance from German embassies and consulates abroad.

Less Bureaucracy:

As a German citizen, you will experience fewer bureaucratic hurdles in various aspects of life, including residency, work, and official documentation. German citizens are often beneficiaries of  simpler administrative processes compared to non-citizens.

Easier Family Reunification:

German citizens have certain advantages when it comes to family reunification. You can easily bring family members, such as spouses and children, to live with you in Germany.

The process of naturalisation in Germany


How to get Naturalised in Germany

To become naturalised in Germany, you need to fulfil certain requirements, provide certain documentation and follow a few steps. Let’s walk you through them: 

Requirements for Standard German Naturalisation

  • You must have lived legally in Germany for at least eight years (three years for spouses of German citizens and four years for spouses of foreign nationals who have already naturalised in Germany).
  • You must have a Settlement or Permanent residence permit.
  • You must declare your allegiance to the German constitution.
  • You must have a sufficient command of the German language (at least level B1).
  • You must take the German naturalisation test to prove that you are familiar with the legal, system, society and living conditions in the Federal Republic of Germany.
  • You must be able to support yourself without falling back on social assistance unless this is due to circumstances beyond your control.
  • You must not have committed any serious criminal offences.
  • You must give up your previous citizenship (although for some persons, multiple nationalities may be considered).

Requirements for Derivative Naturalisation

In addition to the general requirements for naturalisation: 

  • You must be a spouse of a German citizen.
  • You must have lived legally in Germany for at least three years.
  • You must have been married for at least two years at the time of application. 

Requirements for Renaturalisation

To apply for re-naturalisation in Germany:

  • You must have formerly had German citizenship.
  • You must have habitual residence abroad.

Requirements for Naturalisation of Skilled Workers

In addition to the requirements for standard naturalisation:

  • You must have a German degree/foreign degree/certificate that has been officially recognised.
  • You must ask your employer to fill out the “declaration regarding a contract of employment” if you have been offered a job.
  • You must have been issued written permission to work (or if you have been assured that you will receive this permission).
  • You must have a professional license or permit to work in a regulated profession like the healthcare sector.

Requirements for Naturalisation for Stateless Persons

  • You must have applied for naturalisation before your 21st birthday.
  • You must be at least 16 years old or legally represented.
  • You must have been stateless since birth.
  • You must have been born in Germany or on a German aeroplane or  ship.
  • You must have been a permanent resident in Germany legally for at least five years.
  • You must not have had a custodial or juvenile sentence of more than five years.

Taking the German Naturalisation Test

The point of the naturalisation test in Germany is to determine if you understand the German legal system, society and living conditions. This naturalisation test in Germany has 33 questions, 30 of which are about “Living in a Democracy”, “History and Responsibility” and “People and Society” and 3 of which are questions about the state you live in. The questions come in an objective format and you have four options to choose from for each question.  You need to get 17 questions out of the 33 correctly to pass. 

You can be exempt from taking the Naturalisation test in Germany if you:

  • are under the age of 16.
  • are physically, mentally or psychologically ill.
  • are disabled.
  • have graduated from a German school or a German higher institution in law or social, political or administrative sciences.

You can practise for the naturalisation test in Germany by taking mock tests on the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees website. The test is free and has 310 questions consisting of general questions and questions concerning your state or federal land. You will see which answers you got wrong or correctly after you finish the mock test. Do some research on what you got wrong to help you prepare for the real test.  

To register for the naturalisation test in Germany, speak to your local naturalisation authorities. They will tell you where you can find the nearest test centre where you can register and take the test. The test costs EUR 25 and you will be required to bring a valid ID on the day of the test. 

The Process of German Naturalisation

Step One: Write to the Naturalisation Authorities: 

The first step to becoming naturalised is to write to the following naturalisation authorities stating your situation. They will give you advice specific to you and provide you with an application form or point you to the authority responsible for your specific naturalisation process: 

If you are 16 years and older, you can write this letter and make this application yourself. If you are below 16, your parents must write and send the application on your behalf.

Step Two: Prepare the Needed Documentation

Alongside your application form, you will need to submit some necessary documentation. The exact documents you will need to submit for your citizenship application will depend on the reason for your naturalisation. However, the documents you will need to show are usually a combination of the following: 

  • Your naturalisation application, completed by hand.
  • You valid international passport.
  • Your birth certificate (as well as for your children if any).
  • Travel document for stateless persons (for stateless person naturalisation)
  • Your marriage certificate.
  • Proof of previous possession of German citizenship such as, German identity documents (for renaturalisation).
  • Proof of loss of German citizenship, such as foreign naturalisation certificates or proof of possession of other citizenships (for renaturalisation).
  • Evidence of close ties to Germany like, close contact with relatives and friends in Germany, ownership of property in Germany, membership in German cultural associations, etc (for renaturalisation). 
  • Your valid residence permit.
  • Your proof or contract of employment.
  • Your proof of income.
  • Confirmation from your employer.
  • Your school-leavers certificate from a German school.
  • Your degree certificate from a German University and/or your Diploma from a German vocational training institution.
  • Your declaration of loyalty to the German state.
  • Your German language proficiency test results.
  • Proof of address, e.g. rental agreement.
  • Police reports proving a clean criminal record.
  • Proof that you are not currently receiving welfare benefits from the German state.

Every foreign document that you will be submitting has to be translated into German. You will need a certified translation service in Germany to have them accurately translated into the German language. Translayte’s sworn translators in Germany  are more than able to help you with this step. Just upload your documents and you’ll be on your way to having accurate certified translations to help with your German naturalisation process.

Step Three: Fill out and Submit the Application:

After you have filled out the application form, return it to the naturalisation authority you were advised to apply to, alongside the necessary documents.

Step Four: Pay the Fees:

The cost of applying for German naturalisation is €255.00. If you want to naturalise your children at the same time as yourself, the fee is €51.00 per child but if one child is to be naturalised alone, the fee is €255.00. The German government are generous enough to reduce or waive fees in certain exceptional cases such as if you earn a very low income or if you have many children to naturalise at the same time. 

Step Five: Wait for Processing:

When you have submitted your application and the necessary documents, your application will then be processed. If your application is successful, you will get notified by the naturalisation authorities and they will let you know the next steps to take such as the steps to renounce your current citizenship. 

Step Six: Receive and Translate Your Assurance of Naturalisation

After you have received your confirmation you will be given an assurance of naturalisation (Einbürgerungszusicherung). You can submit this document to the consulate of your country of origin to apply to renounce your nationality. This document needs to be translated into the language of the country you want to renounce. To do this, request a quote on our website for a quick, accurate and affordable certified translation from German to your country’s language. 

Step Seven: Attend the Naturalisation Ceremony

After you have successfully renounced your previous nationality, you will be invited to a naturalisation ceremony where you will pledge your allegiance to receive your naturalisation certificate which confirms your German citizenship. 

Step Eight: Apply for a German ID Card and Passport 

Now that you have your naturalisation certificate, you can have a German identity card and a German passport like every other citizen. These can be applied for at the Einwohnermeldeamt (your local Residents' Registration Office). They are important because they are used to prove your identity in Germany, so you should get at least one of them as soon as you can. 

German Naturalisation Regulations Concerning Children 

  • A child who has at least one parent with German citizenship automatically obtains German citizenship at birth.
  • A child of foreign parents can automatically become a German citizen if they are born in Germany if one of their parents has lived legally in Germany for at least eight years and has a settlement permit or an indefinite residence title at the time of birth.
  • A child of foreign parents who was born in Germany can have German citizenship in addition to the citizenship of their parents as long as they grew up in Germany.
  • The law states that a person is considered to have grown up in Germany if, by the time they turn 21, they have:
  • lived in Germany for eight years or,
  • attended a school in Germany for six years or,
  • completed their basic education or vocational training in Germany.


Can my German Citizenship be Revoked?

German citizenship can be revoked although it is very rare and happens in only extreme circumstances such as fraudulently acquiring citizenship, participating in activities that are harmful to Germany, or acquiring another citizenship without permission.

Does Germany Allow Dual Citizenship?

Generally, dual citizenship is not allowed in Germany, but it can be permitted in some cases:

  • You are a European Union or Swiss citizen.
  • You had multiple nationalities from birth.
  • You are part of a vulnerable group, e.g., you’re a refugee or an asylum seeker.
  • Your home country does not permit you to renounce your citizenship.

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