How to Obtain Your Papers in Spain

Created: Dec 15, 2023 | Updated: Jul 30, 2024

Nestled on the Iberian Peninsula in southwestern Europe, Spain captivates the hearts of many with its rich history, beautiful landscapes, and vibrant culture. From the sun-drenched beaches of the Costa del Sol to the snow-capped peaks of the Pyrenees, it is the ideal destination for foreigners seeking to start a new life abroad. Each year, the country rakes in tens and even hundreds of thousands of immigrants, drawn by its diverse opportunities and high quality of life. Considering moving to Spain? Let’s look at how to get the necessary papers for a hassle-free life in the country.

Table of Contents

What does it mean to get your papers in Spain?  

In Spain, getting your papers simply means the process by which a foreign national obtains the necessary documents, permits, and legal authorizations required for them to live, work, study, or conduct specific activities within the country. These papers are essential for legal residency and compliance with Spanish regulations. During this process, individuals may find themselves needing a sworn translation service, especially when they have documents that are not in Spanish. Spain requires that official documents submitted to authorities be translated by a sworn translator accredited by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This is often necessary for legal, academic, or employment purposes, and it's a crucial step for ensuring that your documents are formally recognized by Spanish institutions.  Translayte can provide you with fast and affordable and sworn translations in Spain


Understanding the types of papers in Spain

  1. Residency Permits: If you are planning to reside in Spain for an extended period, you typically need to obtain a residency permit. This permit allows you to live in the country legally for a specified duration and gives you some rights while you are there. They are often required for activities such as work, study, or retirement.
  2. Work Permits: Foreign nationals who intend to work in Spain need to secure a work permit. This document authorises you to seek employment within the country and is usually obtained in conjunction with a job offer.
  3. NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjero): The NIE is a unique identification number assigned to foreign nationals in Spain. It is an important document for various transactions, including opening bank accounts, signing leases, and engaging in financial activities.
  4. Student Visas and Permits: If you are a student planning to pursue academic programs in Spain, you need to obtain student visas and a study permit. These documents allow you to enrol in educational institutions and comply with the study regulations of the country.
  5. Social Security Registration and Health Insurance: Legal residents in Spain are eligible for the country's healthcare system. Registering for Social Security is essential for accessing healthcare services, unemployment benefits, and other social services.


How to get a residence permit in Spain for non-EU residents

After getting the appropriate visa and arriving in Spain, you can apply for a temporary resident permit. There are two types of residence permits that can be obtained in Spain. They are:

Temporary residence permit

A temporary residence permit authorises foreigners to live and work in Spain for more than 90 days and less than five years. It is issued to people entering with the following visa:

  • Non-lucrative visa.
  • Golden visa
  • Work visa
  • Student visa
  • Freelance visa
  • Entrepreneur visa
  • Digital nomad visa

You are allowed to work and live legally in Spain for 1 or 2 years with a temporary residence permit and you can keep renewing this permit as long as you still meet the requirements. After 5 years of living and working in Spain with a temporary residency permit, you will become eligible for permanent residency.

How to apply for a temporary residence permit in Spain

1. Gather the necessary paperwork: The first step is to do some research on the documents you will need for your application. Here’s a list of the documents you will need to submit:

  • A valid international passport with photocopies.
  • A completed EX-17 application form.
  • Three passport-sized photographs.
  • Proof of your Spanish address.
  • Proof of your school enrollment (if applicable).
  • Proof of financial stability (if you do not intend to work).
  • Health insurance documents.
  • Proof of payment of the application fee of €15.76.


2. Apply for your Foreign Identity Card (TIE): You have to visit either the Immigration office in your area, or the local police station or go online to the Mercurio Initiales Immigration website and apply for a TIE Card within 30 days of arriving in Spain. Confirm from the Spanish embassy where you applied for your visa on where the best location for you to apply for the TIE card will be.

3. Wait for Your TIE Card: After you have applied for your TIE, you will receive a copy of your application immediately. Keep this safe for when you need to collect your card. Your application will be processed and your card will be ready in three months.


How to obtain papers in Spain


Permanent residence permit

This permit enables foreigners to live and work in Spain under almost the same conditions as Spanish nationals. 

There are several routes to get your Permanent Residence papers in Spain. These include:

  1. Social Arraigo: The most common way to get your Spanish papers is the residence permit through Social Arraigo. It is granted to foreigners who have been living illegally in Spain for at least continuous 3 years. Here. you will be able to prove that you have remained in Spanish territory for 3 years through the empadronamiento and/or any other valid means of proof.

    It is important to register yourseld at the city hall closest to you as soon as you arrive, to be able to complete the arraigo process. In addition, you will need to find a job offer to complete the process. The job must be for at least 30 hours per week, and pay the Spanish minimum wage at least. Although, if you have sufficient funds, you can also apply for social arraigo without a job offer. 

  2. Labour Arraigo: It is the process that permits those without papers who have been in Spanish territory for 2 years to regularise their situation and obtain a regular residence permit. You must prove that you have been working in the country for at least 6 months while you were there illegally.

    What is interesting about this route is that you will be required to report your employer to the authorities to receive your papers. Your employer will be sanctioned and you will get your 12-month permit after which you can apply for a regular Spanish work permit.  The idea of this is to eradicate labour exploitation in the country. 

  3. Family Arraigo: This residence permit is granted to foreign nationals based on family ties or connections established within the country. This permit is designed to provide legal residence for individuals who can demonstrate strong family links to Spanish citizens or other legal residents in Spain. There are various ways to obtain Family Arraigo and these include:
  • Family arraigo through a minor child who is Spanish.
  • Family arraigo through a minor child who is an EU-Community Member.
  • Family arraigo through being Spanish by origin.
  • Family arraigo through family roots for relatives of Spaniards.
  • Family arraigo through family roots without a work contract.
  • Family arraigo through marriage or accredited partnership.
  • Family arraigo through being ascendants of the Spanish citizen or their partner.
  • Family arraigo through being a guardian of a Spanish minor or support person.

4. Student Arraigo or Arraigo by Training: This process was created for non-European citizens who have been in Spain illegally for two years and want to regularize their situation. It is for those who intend to start a training or course that will allow them to obtain valid certifications and practice in the corresponding profession after completing those studies. 

It is not possible to work with a student arraigo. You are only allowed to study without carrying out any type of economic activity. However, after you have finished the 12 months of this permit, you will be able to get a work permit.


How to apply for Spanish permanent residency

If you are a legal immigrant, after spending five continuous years in Spain, you can apply for a permanent residence permit. Here are the steps to obtain one:

  1. Prepare the required documents: The list of the documents you need to apply for includes:
  • Your international passport and a photocopy.
  • The completed application form.
  • Your current electronic residency card.
  • Documents about your current living status such as your employment contract or any other document that proves your purpose for being in Spain.
  • The city police department registration document.
  • Proof of Spanish residence such as utility bills or rental contracts.
  • Proof of funds such as paychecks or bank account statements.
  • Original and photocopy Padrón document issued within the last 3 months. Padrón/em­padro­namiento is a certificate that proves your permanent living status in Spain.

    2. Put in an application at the Foreigner’s Office: Apply for a permanent residence permit at the Foreigner’s office or the police office with the required documents 60 days before your current permit expires.

    3. Wait for the approval of your application: Your application will take three months to be approved. You will receive a letter telling you if your application has been approved and when to pick it up.

    4. Pick up your Permanent Residence Permit: After the approval, you will need to go to the police office and do some biometric registrations. After 30 days, you will return to the police office, present your passport and current Spanish Temporary residence card, and receive your permanent residence card.


Tips for securing your permanent residence permit in Spain

  • Register in your city: You must complete this step as soon as you arrive in Spain because it will be proof of how long you have spent in Spain and will be beneficial for several other legal processes. 
  • Do not leave until the stipulated time: You have to stay in Spain throughout the time you are expected to live there before you can obtain your papers. If you leave before the stipulated time, you may not be able to get them.   
  • Keep your records handy: Keep all your tickets, receipts, invoices and any other means of proof of your stay in Spain.
  • Avoid having any criminal records: Your criminal record will be reviewed carefully during your application, so avoid any criminal activities.
  • Promptly renew your city hall registration: You are expected to renew your census certificate every 2 years and your Social Arraigo will be renewed once to stay at least 3 years in Spain.
  • Blend into the region where you live: Blending in and becoming a part of your community helps in proving your consistent residency and boosts your all-around status. You could learn to speak the local language, use public services or participate in a local association. 


How to get a work permit in Spain for non-EU residents

To obtain a work permit in Spain, you first need to get a job offer in Spain and apply for a work visa that suits the kind of job you are going to do. Afterwards, your employer will have to apply for the permit for you. They will submit a work permit to the provincial office of the Ministry of Labor (Delegación Provincial del Ministerio de Trabajo e Inmigración) on your behalf. 

While the application is being processed, the Spanish government will send you a copy of the application with the stamp of the office responsible for your permit and your file number. You can then send this to the Spanish embassy as part of your visa application. The embassy will then inform the regional labour office that it has your application and the labour office will process your permit.

It can take up to eight months to process a work permit but once the labor office approves the permit, the embassy will issue your work and residence visa. A work permit in Spain is valid for one year and can be renewed, as long as you meet the requirements. 

If you are applying for a self-employment visa, you have to prove that you have a solid investment or freelancing plan, and the means to finance your business.


How to get an NIE in Spain (Foreigner Identity Number)

You cannot buy property or open a bank account in Spain without an NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjero). The NIE is a government-assigned number for foreign nationals who are residents and want to own property in Spain. Spanish residents have a DNI (Documento Nacional de Identidad) which serves the same purpose. It is a plastic card with your photograph that can function as an identity card.

It is available for anyone legally living in Spain and its cities, whether for work, study or just living. To get one, you have to register at a police station or foreigner's office, pay the fee for processing and present the needed paperwork. It may also be requested directly at the Consular Office of your country of residence. 

To book an appointment at the Consular Office, send an email to [email protected], while to book an appointment at the Foreigner’s Office or Police station, visit their official website and choose Certificados UE or Expedición de tarjeta de identidad de extranjero for non-EU citizens. 

Bear in mind that NIE applications may take over five weeks to be completed.

Documentation required to apply for an NIE at the Consular Office​​ 

To apply for an NIE at the Consular Office, you need the following: 

  • A completed but not signed online EX-15 standard application form. 
  • A letter translated into Spanish stating the reason for applying for the NIE.
  • Your valid passport and a copy of the passport's bio-data page.
  • Original and photocopy of your identity document (for Nationals of EU Member States). If a representative presents the application, only the certified copy of the passport should be submitted.
  • If the NIE is requested via a representative they need to present their ID or passport and you must give them official permission using a document called a "power of attorney." The Power of Attorney document should be certified with an apostille for it to be valid.
  • If you are a minor or incapacitated, a copy of your family record book, birth certificate or guardianship document must be presented as well as the valid passport or ID of your parent or guardian.
  • Proof of residence in the Consular area.
  • A completed Form 790, code 12 ( or Modelo 790, proof of payment from the bank).
  • Application fee of £ 8.50 to be paid by card.

Documentation required to apply for an NIE at the Foreigner's Office (Oficina de Extranjeros) or local police station:
  • A completed Form 790, code 12 ( or Modelo 790, proof of payment from the bank).
  • Two copies of a completed NIE EX18 application form. Although there is an English 
    version of this form, it has to be submitted in Spanish.
  • Your current international passport with at least a year of validity.
  • A letter translated into Spanish stating the reason for applying for the NIE.
  • Two photocopies of your international passport.
  • Two small passport photographs.
  • Your visa or landing card ( for non-EU citizens).
  • Any other documentation you have such as proof of address, driver’s license, etc.
  • Application fee of €11.


How to register for Social Security in Spain

The Social Security number is an essential number that both foreigners and Spanish nationals need to start working in Spain. This means that your NIE or TIE cards will not be enough to authorize you to start working. You need your social security number as well. 

Who can Request for a Social Security Number?

  1. Your employer (for first-time workers)
  2. Yourself ( for freelancers)

You can only get this number if you have a work permit and the number stays with you forever once you get it.

Documents needed for your Social Security Number in Spain
  • Spanish Tax Agency registration.
  • Your work permit or residence card.
  • Original and photocopy of your valid visa (for non-EU citizens).
  • Original and photocopy of Passport, National ID card (for EU citizens) or NIE / TIE Card if you have one.
  • A filled form TA1.
  • Original and photocopy of your employment contract.

Note that every document not in Spanish needs to be translated for it to be considered valid by Spanish authorities. Getting a certified translator who can translate your documents accurately and up to the Spanish Immigration standard is very important.  


How to get a Social Security Number in Spain as a self-employed worker

Step One: Obtain a digital certificate. If you do not have one but you do have a DNI or an NIE,  send a message which includes your ID number, date of birth and mobile number. You will receive a security code which you will use for identification.

Step Two: Go to the Seguridad Social website and select, “Request the Social Security Number (Obtener acceso)” to start the application. You will be taken to the Social Security Importass portal. Here, select the “Apply for Social Security Number” option, and upload your identification such as your DNI or digital certificate or the security code you were given.

Step Three: Follow the steps on the system and upload all the required documents when the system asks for them.

Step Four: Fill in the application form (form TA1).

Step Five: You will receive your social security number. 


Translating documents with Translayte

Getting accurate translations can be quite tricky but with Translayte, you will have access to high-quality certified translation services with attractive prices, speedy delivery and excellent customer service.

Our certified translations are certified by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and accepted by Spanish Embassies, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of the Interior, and other institutions, such as universities, banks, local authorities and courts. Click the link and get started with us today. 


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