Sterbeurkunde Übersetzungen

At Translayte, we understand that dealing with the translation of a death certificate can be a sensitive and important task. Whether it's for legal, immigration, or personal reasons, ensuring that your document is accurately and respectfully translated is our top priority. Our team of professional translators is experienced in handling such sensitive documents with the utmost care and precision.

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Globale Akzeptanz

Von Regierungen, Universitäten und Gerichten weltweit akzeptiert.

Angebotene Länder

Wir bieten amtliche Übersetzungen an, die weltweit anerkannt sind. Zu den angebotenen Ländern gehören:

Wir bieten auch legalisierte Übersetzungen mit Apostille an, die in allen 86 Ländern, die dem Haager Übereinkommen beigetreten sind, akzeptiert werden.

Why Would I Need a Death Certificate Translation to Be Certified?

Certified translations of death certificates are often required for official purposes. These include estate and inheritance matters, insurance claims, and legal proceedings. A certified translation ensures that the translated document is a true and accurate representation of the original, which is crucial for these formal processes. Our certification process includes a statement of accuracy, signed and stamped by the translator, making it valid for official use.


Death certificate translation


What are the Translation Requirements for a Death Certificate?

Translating a death certificate involves a meticulous process that adheres to several key requirements to ensure the document's integrity and acceptability for official purposes:

  1. Exact Translation: Ensure every detail, including names, dates, and personal information, is accurately translated.
  2. Complete Inclusion: Translate all text, including stamps, seals, and notes, without omissions.
  3. Precise Medical Terms: Accurately translate medical terms, especially the cause of death.
  4. Format Replication: Maintain the original layout and format in the translation.
  5. Readability: Ensure the translated text is clear and legible.
  6. Cultural Sensitivity: Adapt terms and phrases to respect cultural differences in discussing death.
  7. Legal Terminology Knowledge: Use correct legal terms relevant to death and inheritance laws.
  8. Certificate of Accuracy: Provide a certificate verifying the translation’s accuracy.
  9. Notarization (if needed): Get the translated document notarized for additional authentication.
  10. Confidential Handling: Maintain strict confidentiality and privacy of personal information.
  11. Regulatory Compliance: Ensure the translation complies with the specific regulations and requirements of the destination country or institution.


When Will a Death Certificate Translation be Needed?

Death certificate translations are often required in various circumstances, including:

  • Legal proceedings, such as settling estates or inheritance issues.
  • Insurance claims, where proof of death is necessary.
  • Immigration processes, especially in cases where family history and relationships need to be verified.
  • Genealogical research, for families tracing their ancestry across different countries.


How Does Our Death Certificate Translation Service Work?

Our death certificate translation service is streamlined for ease and efficiency:

  • Select Type of Translation: Select “Certified Translation” from the options provided.
  • Select Language & Requirements: Choose the target language and any specific requirements needed for the translation.
  • Upload Your Document: Securely upload a clear scan or photo of the death certificate.
  • Translation and Review: Our professional translators will work on your document, ensuring accuracy and compliance with all requirements.
  • Delivery: Receive the translated death certificate via email or post, ready for use.
  • Customer Support: Our team is available DURING and AFTER for any queries or additional assistance you might need.


Additional Services

In addition to translating death certificates, we offer a range of related services, you might also need, including:

  • Notarization: For documents that require an additional level of authentication.
  • Expedited Service: For urgent translation needs.
  • Translation of Supporting Documents: Including wills, legal papers, and other related documents.

For more information or to get started with your death certificate translation, contact us today at Translayte.

Beglaubigte Übersetzungsbeispiele

Wir liefern Ihre beglaubigten Übersetzungen als digitales PDF-Dokument und bemühen uns, das Layout und die Formatierung wo immer möglich zu reproduzieren. Ihre Übersetzung wird signiert und beglaubigt.

Persönlich identifizierbare Informationen wurden zensiert.

Translayte certified translation Standard beglaubigte Übersetzung
sworn translation france Beglaubigte Übersetzungen Frankreich
sworn translation German Beglaubigte Übersetzungen Deutschland
sworn translation Netherlands Beglaubigte Übersetzungen Niederlande
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Bepreisung beglaubigte Übersetzungen


Ab {{ pricing.service[0].fee * exchangeRate | dynamicCurrency(chargeCurrency.code, chargeCurrency.symbol) }} / {{ trans(pricing.service[0].qty_type) }}

Geeignet für einfache persönliche Dokumente, einschließlich Geburts-, Heirats-, Polizei- oder Schulbescheinigungen.

Professioneller Übersetzer Interne Qualitätsprüfung
Professionelle Übersetzung

Ab {{ (pricing.service[0].fee * pricing.service[0].professional_fee[2]) * exchangeRate | dynamicCurrency(chargeCurrency.code, chargeCurrency.symbol) }} / {{ trans(pricing.service[0].qty_type) }}

Ideal für professionelle und offizielle Dokumente wie Verträge, Geschäftsvorschläge oder Regierungsdokumente.

Professioneller Übersetzer Lektor Interne Qualitätsprüfung

Ab {{ (pricing.service[0].fee * pricing.service[0].professional_fee[3]) * exchangeRate | dynamicCurrency(chargeCurrency.code, chargeCurrency.symbol) }} / {{ trans(pricing.service[0].qty_type) }}

Am besten für komplexe Materialien wie medizinische Aufzeichnungen, Rechtsdokumente oder technische Handbücher.

Fachübersetzer Lektor Interne Qualitätsprüfung

Die oben angegebenen Preise sind ohne Mehrwertsteuer (die gilt, wenn Sie Ihren Wohnsitz in Großbritannien oder der EU haben). Für Versand, beeidigte Übersetzer, Dringlichkeit, Überbeglaubigung oder Apostille fallen unter Umständen zusätzliche Gebühren an.

Beglaubigte Übersetzung bestellen

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Über 85.000 unterstützte Kunden

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Angebotene Länder

Wir bieten amtliche Übersetzungen an, die weltweit anerkannt sind. Zu den angebotenen Ländern gehören:

Dokumente, die wir übersetzen

Wir können amtliche Übersetzungen für eine Reihe von Dokumenten anfertigen.

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